Tech Center

The M.R. Mold Technology Center includes six company-owned molding machines:
(2) Engel e-Victory 120-ton
Engel 100-ton
Engel 55-ton e-Mac
Arburg 470 110-ton
Arburg 370 All Rounder 77-ton press, which can be utilized in both horizontal and vertical positions.
Three of these machines have both thermoplastic and silicone molding capabilities. All molding machines have various barrel sizes, from 15mm to 40mm. We also have 5‑gallon and 55‑gallon pumping units for liquid silicone.
Our molding machines are utilized for mold qualifications, sampling and short-run production. This assures that every mold which leaves the M.R. Mold Tech Center is production ready. In conjunction with these presses, we regularly use our own innovative "Stuffer Boxes" for sampling and short production runs. The new facility provides the Tech Center the space and capabilities to offer turn-key solutions to our customers.